Starting a Work-From-Home Business?
Make It a Successful One!
There are many reasons why you could be looking to work from home, (ranging from lost jobs to wanting extra income and many other reasons you and I can think of), but; I tell you this, there is a greater reason why you should be wanting to work from home and that is to secure yourself an income that no-one can take from you.Job security is a thing of the past, if it ever really existed! Look, if you had job security, then how come you are looking for another job now? Did that business go under or downsize? There is only one certainty in life and that is that things will always continue to change!
"If things don't change, they'll stay as they are!"
I've said it before, about people who continue to learn and grow with their ever changing environment. They will survive, those who don't evolve will become extinct! It's no great mystery, you just have to look at history! (Hey, I'm a poet, and now you know it)!
My father always said jokingly, "If things don't change, they'll stay as they are!" There is a simple truth in that, but the reality is that things always do change! You won't always be the person you are today, people grow and develop new tastes and habits.
From a business point of view, if your business is not growing, it will be standing still, stagnant or moving backwards. If you have no business, then what are you going to do with the rest of your life? Be dependent upon other people to run businesses, that can employ you and provide you with the wealth you want?
Unless you have secret fool-proof plan to win the lottery anytime soon, (before you are too old to spend it), then you need something else! You need to be doing something! Just be doing 'something', even if it isn't exactly what you would really love to be doing. Just having any-something, being developed in the background, will help a little with that peace of mind you need.
I won't go to my grave saying I wish I had tried to do x,y, or z. If it is within my power, finance, ability and reach to have a go at something that I think will improve my income, I do my utmost to implement it! So, you need to do something, but what?
I cannot answer that one for you, but I can give you a steer in a similar direction to my own. I work from home! I do this by developing websites and blogs and managing email advertising, all geared at promoting products and services from other companies and marketers. Now, I'm not a millionaire, (yet), in fact, I'm not even close. But I do have something, and that is something more than most have!
'You should always think, research and development, change and implement.
Then do that over and over again'.
What I have is a business and a fair bit of experience in developing that business, so I think that things can only get better from here! Whatever you choose to do these days, I think it has got to be done online! That's my first bit of business advice for you. Next, you should always think, research and development, change and implement. Then do that over and over again.
Whatever you do, will surely become obsolete at sometime in the future. So, you need to do constant research and development to continually grow your business. making and doing, whatever you do better and better. Change that product and the way you market it constantly and implement those changes. So, I reiterate; you should always think, research and development, change and implement. Then do that over and over again!
My next gem of business advice for you, is to get started now! (If you already haven't). You need to be doing a bit in your spare time. Make the time to start a blog on your favorite subject, is one of the best ways to get started. Then learn a little of the legalities of making money online, to stay legal and above board!
The 'How to Make Money Online' is a little harder, but not impossible. You should start with affiliate marketing. This means that you don't need your own product or service, but can actually sell the products and services of other businesses and they will pay you a commission!
Now, we are about done for this post. I'm not going to make this post into a complete "How To" on getting started. Those bits of advice above, were just to (hopefully), motivate you! You now need a guiding hand, and a push in the right direction. There are many places you can go to get the help you need, but one of the best places to get started online, is SBI - called Site Build It!
In the same way that I am promoting this to you, (I make money when and if you buy through my link), and that is only fair don't you think, for helping you in this way? I have just taken my valuable private time to talk to you about how I make my money online and how you too can do the same!
I really do want the best for you, so even if you find something else to make money online with, I am not bothered. I really just hope that you do get started. Maybe, one-day, you will be able to say, 'I got started after reading a post on one of AndyGold's blogs or sites'. That would really be fantastic for you and a great ego boost for me! You can see that I am open an honest with my comments!
OK, so here's the place you need to take a long hard look at. There people at SBI will help you with your business idea and help you develop more ideas. I started with an SBI site many years ago, and have not looked back since.
Nothing Beats Working From Home!
Coming forward in time after purely working from home for the last five years; and previously having worked in all sorts of environment from engineering to music teaching and conventional off line businesses, I can sum it all up, by saying: Nothing Beats Working From Home!
TAGS: SBI, AndyGold, Make Money, Make Money Online, Make Money In A Recession, Work From Home,
© AndyGold 2011
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