Starting your online activities!
I cannot lie, you will have to work! What's more, you will have to work very hard and be committed to your business. Have you got what it takes? Well, you will soon find out!
This post is aimed at those who have just found this blog and are starting out making money online. I am going to show you some of the free tools I use, and the way I work online. I'll make a post later at my other blog Earn A Great Income, the link is in the sidebar under 'Favorite links' on this page. Look for the Earn A Great Income Blog!
The Earn A Great Income blog deals with getting started for free, and since most of the tools I use are free, that's where you'll find them.
I did have the tools listed in a previous post, so if you were looking for it, I had to have a clear out, because some posts had links in them that had changed and the links then became broken. So, I'm updating that tools post very soon. I'm going to commit now - Its April 26th now, Tuesday eve 10pm, UK GMT. and "I WILL", have the post up, on The Earn A Great Income Blog by Friday 29th 9pm. (How's that for a promise, its on my "to do" list).
So, about this "To Do" list! You will need to be organised and take action. I know you will do what I have done in the past. Here's the mistake, here's the pitfall. You will make your 'To Do' list, and it will get longer and longer and longer. Procrastination is the pitfall, and this then leads to the feeling of being overwhelmed. Then you will give in because it is all too much for you!
When you make a massive list, (you think you are planning ahead), but what you are really doing, is making a massive hill of stuff "to-do", that will get steeper and steeper. Before long you will be looking at that mountain of stuff, "To-Do", that you have created. The TV will start to look ever-so inviting. After-all, you have been working all day at work, then you have spent the last two hours of your own R'n'R time, writing (or mistakenly, maybe you think you are WORKING), on your "To-Do" list!
This business, (working online, for yourself), is "not" a no-brainer! It does require the thinking process, and as you will come to appreciate, the better you think, the more money you will make. "It's a thinking game!" That's good, isn't it! Do you know who said that? I did, just now! Didn't you hear me?
So, there's one for you to Twitter!
Quote:- "This business, working online for yourself, It's a thinking game!" AndyGold.
So, how to avoid this mental monster mountain megga-list!
The answer is to just make a start. Look, you are going to get things wrong anyway, so don't worry about it. Just write five things you think you need to do, or look at my blogs for ideas on what you need to be doing, and just do the first five things that appeal to you!
I can hear your cogs turning, you are thinking, how can I write that article, that I have an idea for, if I don't even have a blog to put it on yet? Have you heard, there's an old invention called a pencil and paper! Just get writing, use a napkin if you have to. I try to be prepared at all times. I carry note books for writing ideas down, pencils and pens and a whole array of other bits and pieces, just in case. But often, the best ideas occur to me, just when I have nothing with me, or the batteries are flat in my Dictaphone.
See, look, there's an idea that just popped into my head just as I wrote that last sentence. You see, I have another blog, that is about writing, I write in a different niche to this blog and under a different pseudonym, so I won't mention it here, because I don't need any cross traffic for that blog. But, the idea is, to put a few adverts for 'products', related to making notes and writing. Namely, Dictaphones.
I'll do that when I've finished here. (I've just written a note on my numbered "To Do" list, for that blog, to find an affiliate vendor that supplies Dictaphones and dictation equipment)! - That's how easy it is to have ideas on how to make money online! Where people then fail, is in lack of action, (so, just a minute, because I'm showing you what I do). I've just been off to my Amazon Associates Account and found a Dictaphone to put on my blog!
I want to prove it to you, so I've posted the ad-link to the Dictaphone, somewhere in the sidebar on this blog! Go look for it now! You may be thinking, Ooh, Oooh, that's just what I need and go off and buy it! Then, in that instance, I will make money! Do you see how easy this stuff is? Let me say it again.
Quote:- "This business, working online for yourself, It's a thinking game!" AndyGold. oooh la la! Bada bing, its done! Well, at least until Amazon mess with the link or the product changes, or is out of stock long-term!
So, this business of "To Do" lists, is think it, do it! You will get up to speed, if you just decide to start and never stop, Make a short quick list and move on what you have written.
What are you going to do now? Do you have a blog? If not, quickly go now, and start by setting up a Google account, because this works well with Blogger AKA BlogSpot. Googles own blogging platform. I'm timing you, go do it now, or make it the first thing you do the next time you sit down at your computer!
If you are further along with your business, have you got an email list? Have you got your email capture sorted out? Have you written a series of emails? - If you have, start writing the next set, or start writing for the next project. Set-up a separate blog and email list in a completely different niche, or in the same niche, but with a totally different look and feel, theme and variation.
Remember this for future reference, here's one other big pitfall most past failed business people have discovered at their cost! Don't keep all of your eggs in one basket! When, if a business fails for any reason, it should not cross any paths with any other business you may have, and then you will not lose everything if one aspect of your business drags your whole business down.
That doesn't mean that one side of your "other", separate business, cannot help the other! You can introduce 'The Other Business', in an email to your previous business subscribers. Or place an advert for an apparently different business, that is related. Just like, I will promote a transcribing service to my Twitter followers and blog about it on my writers blog. But for all outsiders impressions, they are separate businesses. No one cares, (or has to know), that they are actually owned and run by the same person!
Anyway, I'm at the end on this now. It has taken me an hour to write this, and I still to edit it and find that ad for the side bar. But, consider that I have been sat watching TV whilst writing this. (watching a parenting program), been off here and there, looking for that "other" project. "The Dictaphone ad", for my other blog, and hopefully, given you something to think about in the process, I think that I have had a productive few hours!
And hey, I don't have to be up for work in the morning! What are you going to do now?
Do this, take action right now. Commit to a minimum of two hours working on your business daily, after you have come home from work, no-matter how tired you think you are, just have a go. If you have nothing yet, make a start right now. Get the Google Account and read up on starting a blog -
A Google account, give you Email, Google Documents to do your writing and keep it safe online. Allows you to Blog on - You can produce PDF's to sell online "How To's". Do you know, How TO? (Whatever your skill or interest is)? How to set up a tropical fish tank! How to bathe the cat! How to make a bed with 'hospital style' corners! Get thinking, what do you know that will or may be of use to others?
Do you think I'm joking, were those 'joke' titles just now? Nope, I personally bought, 'How to set up a tropical fish tank!' When I was starting a new tank!
My sister has 10 or 12 cats, (I can never keep up with the total number), they are like her babies, several are old, blind and deaf and she does everything for them, including bathe them! (As per her ebook).
I only ever tried once to bathe our cat, when he had been under a car, and had oil all over his back! Have you ever tried to bathe a cat? You'll like it even less than the cat if you don't do it the right way!
A hotelier recently advertised 'beds made to precision, with hospital corners'. That was the only reason I chose to stay at that hotel, rather than the first one I saw an advert for! Being the pedantic type that I am, I actually asked the hotel staff about this.
The hotel staff had a printed copy of an ebook, that showed all sorts of bed making styles, how to present a bed, from a four-poster king size to a hammock. It included pillow types and arrangements and how to present them, and even how to get the stubborn quilt, back into its cover!
As a starting point for ideas and writing, remember that peoples interests are varied and basic. Just because you think that something is too easy and basic to do, doesn't mean that everyone can do it, or will know how to do it, or can logically work out the easiest way to do; whatever it is!
e.g. Try finding the battery compartment on an L300 Minibus without the manual, and a dozen more tips just like that, to do with that particular vehicle.
Why not go and set up your Twitter account?
T.T.F.N. AndyGold.
Quote:- "This business, working online for yourself, It's a thinking game!" AndyGold.
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