Monday, July 27, 2009

Where's your career going?

Hi, I'm late again with posting, I know!

Look, I've just been a little busy with PPC campaigns, Twittering, (on twitter of course), and helping other people sort out their lives - with things like goal setting. On a similar line perhaps, career, income, online business building, being self-employed, and showing people.. 'How To Make Money In A Recession', somehow, qualifies me to tell you, that building an online business is what you should do!

So. How can I get the message through? Let me try this way...

I wanted to talk about a friend of mine from some time ago, (yes, of course I have friends). He and I were talking about working for yourself and having the right type of business for this modern age. "Anything that makes decent money", was his answer, when asked as to what he thought 'the right type' of business was.

He explained that he had a career, he was a joiner, only that for the last five years he had to find other work because the joinery-work was mainly out-of-town work and he wanted to spend more time with his wife and three young children.

He had LEARNED his joinery, from his father and school, done it at college and now had a CAREER he said! However, spent about two or three days a week at home looking after the kids because his wife had to work part-time to support them, as well as being on state benefits. This was time spent watching day-time TV, some house-work and playing computer and console-games!

He said he felt, he had lost respect, pride, direction and focus, because of the lack of joinery-work, industry decline, the recession etc. And on, and on he went!

My dad used to say - with tongue in cheek, "If things don't change, they'll stay as they are!" How true!

"Things change, your environment changes, you need to move with the times, or you get left behind", I told him. The statement goes something like. "In times of change, learn-ERS inherit the world, whilst the learn-ED will find themselves well equipped to function in a world, that no-longer exists". (Don't quote me, I don't even know who said it, but the gist of it is correct)!

Hint, hint, I was trying to tell him that you have to find ways to make money, so that you can have real freedom to work how and when you want.

I had tried to convince him that working online, for yourself, was the way to go these days, because it affords being able to work how and when you want, from anywhere in the world that you can get an Internet connection. He was not interested, he had no 'I want to work for myself-get-up-and-go' in him. He explained that he had a career as a joiner. It was what he knew and how he wanted to make his money.

Fine! I said, perhaps if its just the joinery you like, you could earn most of your money online, in a business that allows you to work from anywhere in the world. I'll help you, (no-charge for my help, that's what friends are for). You will do the work of building your own business and you can spend as much time on it as you like, -in your spare time or even commit special time to it.

"Its up to you" I said. Get started easily and for free and earn some extra money! When you can see the sense in it, put more time into it and build yourself an ongoing, residual, full-time-income.

Then you can put as much time in to building the things you actually want to build in your joinery business. You can run your joinery business and be able to choose the jobs, rather than having to take whatever comes your way, in the right location.

He admitted he had just invited me to see him, because I had obviously moved on financially from when he last knew me. He wanted to ask if I or any of my rich friends wanted work doing, he was desperate for money urgently, (as was always the case as I remember).

I was trying to get at the root of the issue, that he couldn't see. We had been doing the idle-chit-chat routine for some time before that, when he told me that there was no-decent-money to be made in joinery anymore!

He had work offers but they were all over the country and he'd have to be away from wife family and live on a tight budget to make it pay even a measly wage.

He had explained to me that he had previously turned his hand to numerous things in order to make-ends-meet, working as a 'runner-in' for a taxi company, done delivering pizzas and kebabs, had been a window cleaner for a while, done some plastering for a mate who was ill, (stick with me, I'm going somewhere with all this)!

He had also done some part-time work at McDonald's, been a fore-court attendant at a gas station, built rabbit-hutches for a friend and made others to sell in the local papers and continued to do that for extra money.

He had done garden clearance and gardening services like cutting grass and hedges, (err, he hates gardening), laid a patio and worked on a conservatory with an ex colleague and also laid carpets and done plumbing for several people and some light electrical work.

I pointed out that he seemed to be pretty flexible and clever; He said he understood and enjoyed surfing the Internet and had done free courses in computerised accounting and word processing etc, whilst scraping by on state-benefits and odd bits of money he made, doing all the various work mentioned above.

On quizzing him further, I found out that he was not on any agencies books as looking for work as a joiner, (because he didn't even know these agencies existed). None of the contractors he had previously worked for had been in contact with him for several years and he had not contacted them!

He was always looking for the next fast buck, to fill in the time. A quick bit of work here and there. He wanted local part-time work only, because his 'career' was too important to jeopardize. After-all, he had to keep himself reasonably free and available in case a big job came in, etc. And so he went back and forth and in and out of different part-time jobs, with no particular direction.

Another friend recently mentioned the syndrome of 'mental constipation', where we can get stuck in a rut, maybe believing or fooling our-selves that that next important job that pays good money will surface at any time. The truth is, this may not ever happen! You cannot feed your family on 'ifs', and 'Buts'.

I like to tell it how I see it. I also love to say "I told you so", only because I want to drive home the simple fact that I have experience of life. That experience has taught me, to 'listen', when other 'wealthy people', talk, if they are teaching me how to gain more wealth! etc.

Life has kicked me in the teeth too many times in the past for me to become complacent with making money and keeping family and friends content. If you, as my friend, complain to me that you haven't got enough cash in your life, then I'll tell you how to get it.

I'm not going to get down on the floor with you and cry about how mean and cruel life can be. I'll stand up and keep getting up every time life knocks me down and smack life back right in the teeth and follow through with an upper-cut, and then give it one more smack, right on the snot-box just for good measure!

I'm done with working hard for a living, scraping the barrel for pennies etc.

It annoys me when people brag, (or complain), that they are spending lots of their valuable time on this earth, sitting in-front of the TV or playing console games, or having to work extra shifts or part-time jobs, to make enough money to live!

Yet, they cannot seem to find the time to build themselves a living, working for themselves, online. Turn off the 100,000 income a year life stealer. Yes, I mean the television! Get your computer on, and start blogging about your interest and area of knowledge. Link in some affiliate products and make a start!

Better still, learn how to make your first $500 online. See the link below!
Go to my mentor!

If you are listening to this as a podcast, you will have to find your way back to this article post called, 'Where's your career going?' posted at, 'www dot, beating the 9 to 5, dot, blogspot, dot, com'.

In summary.
An online business, for the most part, will sit there patiently waiting for you to do more work on it! You can set the hours and say 'not today', if you want! A job working for a boss won't, if you don't turn-up, on-time and ready for work on a regular basis, you'll be collecting a dole-check on a more regular basis!

Now - being the sarcastic type that I am, I have to point out something that came to me, whilst I was looking through my dictionary for another word. My eyes were drawn to this word and I immediately thought of my friend, the one who had to do all those different jobs, until he got his career restarted.

My dictionary explains it, it says...
CAREER! 'To swerve, repeatedly, in a multitude of directions!'
That's just how your working life is.

This is AndyGold, saying, 'Be careful what you wish for, you just may get it'!

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