Friday, September 19, 2008

The Place Where I Make My Money!

Beating the 9 to 5.

I hate having to go to work - 9 to 5 or even 6 to 6 - 12 hour shifts. The shift work was good pay, thick end of £600 per week in your hand, with plenty of overtime, I could push that to £880 take-home-pay on my best ever week.

BUT, (and its a BIG BUTT), I hate being away from my family day after day and being too tired when I finally do make it home, to do anything but eat and sleep.

I used to have to travel, just over an hour to get to work, when I was a welder for a short part of my career.

Getting up at 4am, getting ready for work, breakfast, my wife would make my pack-up lunch.. Sometimes the kids would get up to see me off, then they'd go back to sleep on the sofa for a couple of hours before having to get up for school at 7am.

One hour travel to work, 12 hours at work, with 30 minutes for my lunch and two 15 minute breaks spaced evenly somewhere in there. (That's if we got the time, get behind on production and you kiss your breaks goodbye)!

Then, often, in the last hour of work, the boss would ask us on short notice, to work till 7, 8 or even 9pm. It was made clear that you didn't 'have-to' do it, yet that the company would loose the order, and that you could kiss your job goodbye by the end of the month! (So, there was no-pressure there then)!

If you did finish at 6pm, you would only spend an extra 30 to 45 minutes stuck in nose-to-tail traffic, especially if there were any accidents delaying the journey home! But basically, add another hour and a half travelling back, plus I'd spend 30 minutes after work just getting somewhere near clean enough to get in the car, so that I didn't get the interior of the car black with carbon dust and grease from the steel I worked with.

Then I'd make a flask of strong coffee to keep me awake on the journey back home, then set off with the radio blasting out and the windows rolled down to stop me falling asleep at the wheel!

Arrive home 7-30 to 7-45pm at best, if there was no over-time to do. And if the traffic was OK,  (with no accidents blocking the road etc, probably caused by people falling asleep at the wheel)!

I'd spend a short part of the evening chatting with the kids, whilst eating my evening meal, then taking a long soak in a hot bath. Where my wife often had to wake me up, to go to bed. Or I'd fall asleep whilst eating my evening meal and simultaneously working on the computer, online, learning and building my online presence.

Often getting to bed for between 10 pm and midnight, or often falling asleep at the computer. My wife would wake me, and remind me, I've got to be up at 4am to do it all again! Six days a week! (except stopping at 4pm on Saturdays).

The Pay-Off!
So I swapped all that crap, yes I said 'crap', for sitting at home in my chair working on the Internet, doing an hour on my exercise bike every weekday, being a full time father and husband.

And... oh.. making many more times the money I used to make, when I was digging my own grave, in that rut of a welding job! So please get yourself some perspective on your life, if it is anything like mine was!

Take a look at this business, that is always growing for me, even without my constant intervention.
(If you've got any time).

And LOOK, my hands aren't even dirty!


This is AndyGold, clocking-off, (I'm not doing any over time)! Have fun, live long and prosper!


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