Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Profit Bank


Just a quick mention here of a new review site I've been working on, it is making money and that is why I am telling you about it here.


It is Profit Bank Review, a review site telling you about the top three home business programs from Millionaire Society!

Millionaire Society is a company by Mack Michaels, who is a highly respected top internet marketer.

I would also say for you to follow my progress on Twitter:- http://www.Twitter.com/TheProfitBank

All the best to you and yours!


© AndyGold 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

We Are Products of Our Environment

You need to be aware that your environment is making you who you are!  The right thing to do, is to listen to the right music and self talk programs, watch the right TV and Films (and be Internet surfing and visiting the right sites), that inspire and encourage you. More importantly you need to hang out and socialize with the right type of people that are either already in or heading towards the same type of lifestyle that you want for yourself.  

If you are listening to the wrong depressing music, watching the wrong TV and films, following the wrong websites, or hanging out with the wrong types of people that want to drag you down with them. You will struggle to be successful!  

You can identify these people who want to drag you down. They love to have little pity parties of how much woe there is in the world and how they have either no answers, or all of the answers as to how they would do things if they were in charge.  These people can solve the problems of the world, in one simple statement. Yet they often cannot even balance their own bank check book!  No one is immune, I think we all strive to achieve a balance in our work and family life, whilst trying to create the income we need to attain that balance.

To have a wealth consciousness, you have to think wealthy thoughts. How do you do that?  I don't have all the answers, especially because I know different things motivate different people!  But, I do know that you might have to change some of your friends or cut back on your exposure to them, if you want to be successful.  You get a wealth consciousness, partly by listening to positive people and listening to positive self talk programs. 

There is a law of attraction and it does work every-time for anyone and every-one. In fact it is, and has always been working in your life, every-day. You have probably just never seen it or realized it was there!

I cannot force you to do anything, or make you truly believe anything that your mind cannot accept as right and true to yourself, your inner self.  Perhaps if you watch this video, you will start to believe that we really are products of our environment.  If so, you then have the first steps to take toward your own success!

What I do believe is that we are products of our environment!

Change your environment to be more in line with what you want to achieve in your life!  What I am saying is that we are not able to blindly become rich and successful, (and that everything will come to us), just because we think positively.  That is not going to happen!  What I do believe is that we are products of our environment and that we can to some extent control that environment ourselves!

Above all, you have to make your own mind up as to what you want to believe. I hope that watching these videos will help shed some light of the issues I've raised here, about who you socialize with and what you expose yourself to, via audio and TV and so on.  Just give it some thought and make up your own mind!

I think that you just have to be aware of what is going into your mind. This input, controls and directs your thoughts. Your thoughts lead you to your actions. And your actions lead ultimately to your income, (or lack of it)! 

PS. When you have watched each video, you will see a black screen at the end, that shows the video that is 'up-next', take the time and watch that too!

RSA Videos.

Whatever you decide, it is up to you!

Have a great day!

© AndyGold 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

Nothing Beats Working From Home

Starting a Work-From-Home Business?
Make It a Successful One!

There are many reasons why you could be looking to work from home, (ranging from lost jobs to wanting extra income and many other reasons you and I can think of), but; I tell you this, there is a greater reason why you should be wanting to work from home and that is to secure yourself an income that no-one can take from you.

Job security is a thing of the past, if it ever really existed! Look, if you had job security, then how come you are looking for another job now? Did that business go under or downsize?  There is only one certainty in life and that is that things will always continue to change!

"If things don't change, they'll stay as they are!" 


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