Tuesday, December 15, 2009

New Years Clear-Out.

I thew out a few posts, so if you are returning to see something you were reading, sorry- its gone! I'm just getting ready for the new year. Are you?
Here goes!

Well. It is that time of year again, when we start making (or even just thinking about) plans for the new-year. New goals and aspirations... (This time we are going to stick to them - aren't we)!

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've heard it all before! No; - but honestly, this time is different! You now have more information about life than you had last year, and life has probably kicked you in the teeth a few more times which has increased your desire to make-it this year!


If we are still having this conversation next year, YOU.. MY FRIEND - are in trouble!

You need to take some serious action and get some serious money earned... Maybe I can help you with that? I'd sure like to try!

New years resolutions are the best starting point I think, for getting on with your life. Most of the time, we fall into complacent living, (or should I say existing), doing the day-to-day stuff that is demanded of us.

I've said it before and plenty of people I've met agree, that we spend our time working hard for a living, too hard in fact, to think about making any real money or building a financial future for ourselves.

What do you think I know of working hard for a living?
Just who does this AndyGold think he is?
Well, (blame yourself, you got me started). I am qualified to give you motivational advice on the grounds of experience. Like.

Getting home each night from the 9 to 5 grind, or worse the 8 till 6. Well I've played both those games for many years. - And...

Worse still, as I have experience of the 6 till 6 (and sometimes up to 4 hours of added overtime) and that was just the work element, not counting the one hour commute to work and the one-and-a-half-hour return in heavy traffic either side of that, and an hour getting clean after work; (because you come home as black as a coal miner).

There is just enough time to to get your evening meal and retire to bed, because you need to be up at 4-30am to do it all again the next day, SIX days and sometimes SEVEN days a week.. Forget watching the TV, as soon as you sit-still for more than 15 minutes, you're asleep!

It was heavy hard work too, as a welder, manually building metal 30 foot and 40 foot containers, (like the type you see on the back of an articulated lorry), only that these were built to spec as accommodation for building site workers and machinery.

So, now you can see where I get my motivation from. All I have to do is take a short trip down memory lane and that is enough to cure any procrastination I have!

So, - What I want to know is, what about you? What's your motivation?
FAMILY? - Yes, I think FIVE children qualifies me to talk with experience on that front too!

Self-employed?? I have always been self-employed as well as having jobs too. My self-employment started at the age of 11 as a child entertainer! I've worked clubland as a musician till my mid thirties and owned and lost a home and ran and lost three businesses in that time too.

My dad always wanted me to have a "proper-trade" to fall back on, so I studied as an engineer in turning and fitting - doing three years of a four year 'city & guilds' apprenticeship. I didn't complete that because the company I worked for went bust. - (I was still working the night-club scene in the evenings and on weekends).

I also put in some time at my brothers auto-garage doing clutches and breaks, servicing and bodywork etc if I had any evenings off or Sundays free.

Being a semi-skilled turner and fitter / turner mechanic, helped - beat the other applicants for my next apprenticeship - I was trying to keep my turning and fitting course going and changed to another employer, but this time I was steel-erecting doing a Plating and Welding apprenticeship - City & Guilds again.

The course required one day a week release from work and two evenings, so I had to give up my turning and fitting and start along a new career path. Guess what happened 2 years later... Yep, they had big lay-offs, that's when I decided to follow my main true passion - Music (and started selling glass-ware).

I've run my own bar-&-restaurant-supplies business (with two business partners), selling to the licenced trade for 4 years, (with sales booming, one of the partners liquidated his part of our business without telling us and we lost the business to a competitor, due to losing our buying power yearly-contracts etc)..

I've owned & ran my own Yamaha Music School (dealer-tied franchise) for 15 years; (The main dealer went into receivership and I lost my very profitable business too).

I have been a private music teacher overlapping all of that and in addition, ran several bands and been in plenty of bands too. I've worked abroad, done cruise ships and ferries entertainment. So. I've kept myself pretty busy over the years!

There's more, but - I hope that's enough info for you to get the picture. I don't know what else I can say to you, to convince you that I know what I'm talking about.

And what I'm talking about, is getting your-self motivated to make money on-line, with a sense of urgency. You see, thangs-are-a-changing'. The Internet, online business world, is moving a million-miles-an-hour and you need to be a part of it.

With every day, week, month that passes, more and more technological advances are altering the way the Internet is used in business, and the legal side of trade and enterprise is not far behind, and is making ever increasing demands on online business owners to conform to new legislation.

A few years ago, it was simply a matter of putting up your product page with an address to send cheque's to, and possibly a few pictures and brief description and you were up and running. If you were polite, you'd put up a privacy policy page and and "about us" page just to give more weight to your real business.

Now - new legislation requires or soon will require you to have more legal pages than you can shake a stick at. This is good, especially for the client and customer and for you as an online business owner. HOWEVER....

My point is, the sooner you make a start the better. Because starting a website from scratch will have to incorporate all these new legal pages and this will be a bigger and higher mountain to climb.. Looking at all the things you now have to comply with, as opposed to when I started, will seem insurmountable.

So, with all those problems in mind, wouldn't it be great, if there were a simple answer. Something that gave you versatility to market products and services that were already a proved success. Topped off with full legal conformity, that is managed and updated and run by professionals, but where YOU are in charge.

This is why I have my own -
Make More Money Instant Affiliate Website.

Have you heard the saying, 'you don't know that you don't know', well.. You cannot use that excuse now, because YOU DO KNOW!

LET ME HELP.. Check out - MakeMoreMoney.InstantAffiliateWebsite.com

This is AndyGold, wishing you all the best of everything you could wish for, for yourself!


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